The Three Houses App


I'm excited to announce the release of our Three Houses App for iPad and tablet. Catherine Santoro and I had the idea about 2 years ago to create a series of child protection apps and after discussions with Nicki Weld, we decided to begin with the Three Houses app. Cath and I have worked with developers in India for the past 18 months to create the app and it has been a very steep learning curve. The app is now available free on iTunes and Google Play and we hope that it helps make a difference in the work you are doing with children and families. You will find the app here: Weld has been writing an introduction to the app that I like to share with you too:I am pleased to be able to provide this introduction to the launch of the Three Houses tool application developed by Catherine Santoro and Sonja Parker.The Three Houses tool was created in Aotearoa, New Zealand in 2003 by myself and Maggie Greening. We were working in Child Youth and Family at the time, and were very fortunate to have the assistance and support of especially the Tauranga site staff in testing out the tool. Over the years many practitioners around the world have applied the tool and I am grateful for the global learning that has informed the Three Houses tool and continues to do so.My intention in creating the Three Houses tool was to help bring the voice of children, young people, and adults more clearly into our assessments and plans. My hope for the tool was for it to be a safe way to have a conversation to learn about a person’s world. Through this we can build understanding about who we are working with and make sure their view and story is present in all that we do. Without this understanding, our work does not support or sustain the change needed to increase safety and well-being for especially children.Over the years there have been a number of iterations and variations of the tool however the essential premise of exploring worries (vulnerabilities, not so good things), good things (strengths), and hopes and dreams (especially about the worries), and identifying connections between these remains. So does the use of drawing, writing, and talking, and with the technology now available to us, this can now be done using a method such as this app. Whatever way you might use the tool, please take the time to listen and explore what is shared with you. For children, young people, and adults who carry the hurt from relational trauma, this type of positive interaction can be a small yet powerful contribution to their journey of recovery.I would like to wish you all the absolute best in your work and thank you for contributing to the safety and well-being of children. My thanks also to Catherine and Sonja for developing this app as another way of helping the Three Houses tool to be a part of this work.”We made a flyer for the Three Houses App, which contains the introduction by Nicki Weld. It can be downloaded here     Please feel free to spread it far and wide.I hope that you will find the app useful in your work with children and families.Warm regards, Sonja


Det vi fik med fra Elliott Connies workshop....


EBTA 2016 - Dont think, - observe